Extronic sound sensor AD46 Casambi (24VDC)

Exctronic AD46 CASAMBI features advanced sound detection technology. One of the most important features of this technology is that the detection range of up to 50 meters in diameter is acceptable (depending on the layout of the room).

HF / high frequency; These are audible sounds such as speech, footsteps and a ringing key. The sensitivity is adjustable between 0 (off) and 100%.

LF / Low frequency; These are subsonic sounds of pressure waves that are inaudible to you when a door is opened. The sensitivity is adjustable between 0 (off) and 100%.

In the Casambi app you can activate scenes with presence, absence, etc. as if it were a 'normal' Casambi motion sensor. This device is also perfect to use in stairwells and thus 'hear' whether someone is there and thus activate a scene.

By changing the profile to DALI BC Linear, for example, you can directly link a scene in the Casambi app that controls a group of DALI lamps (Broadcast).

You must connect this device to 24VDC, for which we may supply an optional power supply.